The number of people involved in the cattle business continues to shrink each year. Thus it is imperative each of our voices be heard locally and nationally as part of a united group to promote the beef industry.
Our check-off dollars are helping tremendously in the purchase of materials to distribute our message in the schools, supermarkets, medical offices, etc. There is a need for leaders, as well as for those who choose to work quietly and effectively behind the scenes. There is a place for everyone and you can make the difference. COME JOIN US!
Contact Membership Chairman
Jenny Conrad
5648 Rd 27 | Veteran, WY 82243
307-534-6010 | melzieblue@gmail.com
CattleWomen Membership Page
Join the Wyoming Stock Growers Association!
By joining the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, you have the opportunity to work with other producers and industry leaders from around the state to build a community that is dedicated to supporting and advocating for Wyoming's agriculture industry.
WSGA makes it a high priority to develop productive professional relationships with state elected officials and government agencies. The association pursues it mission of advocacy primarily through effective lobbying at both state and national levels by volunteer leadership and experienced staff.
The association maintains a legal fund to enable it to initiate, defend or support litigation on critical issues with the potential to have a major impact on its members’ ranching enterprises.